Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Study of Quantitative and Qualitative Variation in Tarantula Spider Venoms Escoubas, P., Corzo, G., Whiteley, B.J., Celerier, M.L. a・・・. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2002. 16, 403-413
Oxyopinins, Large Amphipathic Peptides Isolated from the Venom of the Wolf Spider Oxyopes Kitabensis with Cytolytic Properties and Positive Insecticidal Cooperativity with Spider Neurotoxins Corzo, G., Villegas, E., Gomez-Lagunas, F., Possani, L.D., Be・・・. J Biol. Chem. 2002. 277, 23627-23637
Sequencing Wasp Venom Peptides by Endopeptidase Digestion and Nested Collision-Induced Dissociation/Post-Source Decay Methods Hisada, M., Konno, Y., Itagaki, Y., Naoki, H. and Nakajima, T. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2002. 16, 1040-1048
Purification, Structure-Function Analysis, and Molecular Characterization of Novel Linear peptides from Scorpion Opisthacanthus Madagascariensis Dai, L., Corzo, G., Naoki, H., Andriantsiferana, M. and Nakajima, T. B. B. R. C. 2002. 1514-1522 , 298