Study on the therapy of progressive muscular dystrophy
MISC (10件):
Molecular pathogeuesis of type l congenital plasminsen deficieucy : expression of recombinant human mutant plasminogens in wammalian cells. Blood. 1997. 89. 1. 183
Prefereutial subsarcolemual local : zation of dystrophin and β-dystroslycan wRNA in human skeletal muscles. J. Neuropath. Exp. Neurolsy. 1997. 56. 1. 94
Localization and amount of wyoslopin and wyoslobin mRWA in rasgechred fiker of patients with mitochondrial encephalowyopathy. Muscle Nerve. 1996. 19. 175
Dystrphim, utrophin and β-dystroglycan expression in skeletcl muscle from paitients with Becker muscular dystrophy. J. Neuropath. Exp. Nenrology. 1996. 55. 8. 896