Study on Environmental Aesthetics based on Romantics
論文 (21件):
ITOH, Takako. Environmental Art and Environmental Aesthetics in the Age of the Climate Change. JTLA(Journal of the Faculty of Letters, The University of Tokyo, Aesthetics). 2022. 47. 19-31
ITOH, Takako. Debating Ethical Issues Surrounding Environmental Art: On “Is Environmental Art an Aesthetic Affront to Nature?”. Aesthetics. 2021. 25. 50-61
伊東 多佳子. 革命の後、月曜の朝に誰がゴミを拾いに行くのか?-ミアレ・レイダーマン・ユケレースの《ランディング》をめぐって-. GEIBUN : 富山大学芸術文化学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Art and Design University of Toyama. 2018. 12. 86-97