Nozomi Uemura, Kentaro Itokawa, Osamu Komagata, Shinji Kasai. Recent advances in the study of knockdown resistance mutations in Aedes mosquitoes with a focus on several remarkable mutations. Current opinion in insect science. 2024. 63. 101178-101178
Nozomi Uemura, Shogo Furutani, Takashi Tomita, Kentaro Itokawa, Osamu Komagata, Shinji Kasai. Concomitant knockdown resistance allele, L982W + F1534C, in Aedes aegypti has the potential to impose fitness costs without selection pressure. Pesticide biochemistry and physiology. 2023. 193. 105422-105422
Shinji Kasai, Kentaro Itokawa, Nozomi Uemura, Aki Takaoka, Shogo Furutani, Yoshihide Maekawa, Daisuke Kobayashi, Nozomi Imanishi-Kobayashi, Michael Amoa-Bosompem, Katsunori Murota, et al. Discovery of super-insecticide-resistant dengue mosquitoes in Asia: Threats of concomitant knockdown resistance mutations. Science advances. 2022. 8. 51. eabq7345
Yoshihide Maekawa, Rui Kimura, Asuka Kasai, Masato Takeuchi, Mizue Inumaru, Yukita Sato, Osamu Komagata, Kyoko Sawabe, Yoshio Tsuda. Faunal and genetic studies of mosquitoes on Chichi-jima and Haha-jima, the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, Japan. Medical Entomology and Zoology. 2021. 72. 4. 237-253
Osamu Komagata, Shinji Kasai, Kentaro Itokawa, Keiko Minagawa, Toru Kazuma, Kiyoshi Mizutani, Atsuhiko Muto, Tsutomu Tanikawa, Masaya Adachi, Noriyuki Komatsu, et al. Common substitution mutation F348Y of acetylcholinesterase gene contributes to organophosphate and carbamate resistance in Cimex lectularius and C. hemipterus. Insect biochemistry and molecular biology. 2021. 103637-103637
WHO Short Term Consultant (Evaluation of Ghana Guinea Worm Eradication Programme, Northern Ghana, from 12 to 23 November 2007)
2007 -
学歴 (3件):
- 2004 千葉大学 自然科学研究科 生命資源科学
- 1997 千葉大学 園芸学研究科 生物生産科学
- 1995 千葉大学 園芸学部 生物生産科学科
受賞 (2件):
2009 - 日本衛生動物学会第19回佐々賞
2009 - 19th Sasa award (award for superior article by young scientists) for the article entitled "Concomitant identification of subspecies and insecticide resistance-associated mutations in the mosquito Culex pipiens complex by primer extension-based genotypi・・・
所属学会 (4件):
, 衛生動物学会
, Pesticide Science Society of Japan
, Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology