MORITA,H. What is needed to eliminate corporal punishment and harassment in Japanese sport? Change the way we perceive physical education in schools and sport. Book of Abstract, 29th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. 2024. 836
Hiraku Morita, Koji Takahashi, Takayuki Hata. A Study of Sports Education for the Junior Generation in Japan: Values of Engaging in Sports and Second Career Education. The 2023 International Conference for the 43rd Japanese Society of Sport Education, Program and Abstracts. 2023. 125
HIRAKU MORITA, KOJI TAKAHASHI, TAKAYUKI HATA. Examination of ‘Being and Oughtness’ and ‘the Good and the Right’ in Sport,. The International Association for the Philosophy of Sport, Book of Abstracts. 2023. 74
What is needed to eliminate corporal punishment and harassment in Japanese sport? Change the way we perceive physical education in schools and sport
(29th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science 2024)
European College of Sport Science
, International Association for the Philosophy of Sport
, スポーツパフォーマンス研究
, 日本教育学会
, 大学教育学会
, 大学スキー研究会
, 日本オリンピックアカデミー
, (公)全国大学体育連合
, 日本スポーツ教育学会
, 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
, 日本体育・スポーツ哲学会
, (社)全国大学体育連合関東支部