Satoru Takagi, Kesayoshi Hadano, Sei-ichi Yamaguchi. Teaching materials on calculus as seen from the application to engineering. Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education. 2022. 15. 2. 155-165
Takuya Sobukawa, Satoru Takagi, Hiroaki Uesu. Introduction to university calculus for “Bunkei’’ students in Waseda. Higher Education in Russia. 2019. 28. 2. 63-68
Satoru Takagi, Takeo Nikami. A method of evaluation in calculus classes by rubric. ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications. 2018. 9. 7. 715-720
Satoru Takagi, Sei-ichi Yamaguchi, Ryuichi Mizumachi. Designing 1st year calculus courses. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Mathematical Education for Non-Mathematics Students Developing Advanced Mathematical Literacy. 2018. 47-52
Satoru Takagi, Kesayoshi Hadano. Educational materials on basic partial derivative which appeal to intuition. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Mathematical Education for Non-Mathematics Students Developing Advanced Mathematical Literacy. 2018. 73-76