J-GLOBAL ID:200901023364535811   更新日: 2020年08月29日

堀内 義秀

ホリウチ ヨシヒデ | Horiuchi Yoshihide
職名: 教授
MISC (83件):
  • Jed Jones, Yoshihide Horiuchi, Sue Gabriele, Anthony Gabriele and Debora Hammond, "Report on the First Systems Design Mini Conversation Project at the 2007 (51st) Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences."(共著). The Research Reports of Shibaura Institute of Technology: Social Scienes and Humanities. 2008. 42. 2. 75-82
  • Jed Jones, Yoshihide Horiuchi, Sue Gabriele, Anthony Gabriele and Debora Hammond, "Report on the First Systems Design Mini Conversation Project at the 2007 (51st) Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences.". The Research Reports of Shibaura Institute of Technology: Social Scienes and Humanities. 2008. 42. 2. 75-82
  • Fuschl Extension: Igniting a New Form of Conversation(共著). The Thirteenth Fuschl Conversation. 2006. 12-23
  • Fuschl Extension: Igniting a New Form of Conversation. The Thirteenth Fuschl Conversation. 2006. 12-23
  • Yoshihide Horiuchi. Disseminating tacit knowing of design conversation. Systemic Practice and Action Research. 2004. 17. 4. 341-352
書籍 (6件):
  • Yoshihide Horiuchi, "Transcultural Communications: Theory and Practice" in, Bela H. Banathy and Patrick Jenlink, eds., Dialogue as a Collective Means of Design Conversation.(共著)
  • Yoshihide Horiuchi, "Transcultural Communications: Theory and Practice" in, Bela H. Banathy and Patrick Jenlink, eds., Dialogue as a Collective Means of Design Conversation.
  • 『情報社会と経営』(共著)
  • 『CHALLENGE: 静岡県立大学経営情報学部創立10周年記念誌』(共著)
  • 『未来世紀:西暦2000年のパラダイム・シフト』
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