Kato, Morimichi. Review Article, “Paedagogik in Japan und in Deutchland. Historische Beziehungen und aktuelle Probleme (Ogasawara, Michio)”. Educational Studies in Japan: International Yearbook. 2017. 11. 121-122
書籍 (17件):
The Confucian Concept of Learning: Revisited for East Asian Humanistic Pedagogie
Routledge 2018
Topography of School Education
(Korean Philosophy of Education Society Conference “Topography of Contemporary Education and Challenges for the Future”, 2019)
Calendar Arts and Ritual of Feeling
(Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia 48th Conference 2018)
Chuang Tzu versus Plato: Mastercraftsmanship and Dimension of Body-Knowledge
(Nature, Time, Responsibility 3 Conference 2018)
Education between Speech and Writing: Crossing the Boundaries of Dao and Deconstruction
(Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia 47th Conference 2017)
Aesthetics of the Body in the Formation of the Self in East Asia
(Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia 47th Conference 2017)