Dock-Chil Che, Hiroshi Kawamata, Masaaki Nakamura, Cheng-Jui Tso, Balaganesh Muthiah, Toshio Kasai. Concerted stereodynamics of chemical changes: The branching selectivity in the photodissociation of asymmetric-top molecules, formic acid, and the cold reactivity of the H + H2 exchange reaction. Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society. 2023
Hiroshi Kawamata, Dock-Chil Che, Masaaki Nakamura, Toshio Kasai. Photodissociation Dynamics of CF2ClCHFI Using Slice Imaging Combined with a Hexapole-Oriented Molecular Beam. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2022. 126. 47. 8844-8850
Ai Maehira, Dock-Chil Che, Takuya Matsumoto. Change in surface properties of hemoglobin induced by heme reaction with O2 and CO. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2022. 61. 7. 075003-075003
Concetta Caglioti, Masaaki Nakamura, Dock-Chil Che, Po-Yu Tsai, Federico Palazzetti. Conformer Selection by Electrostatic Hexapoles: A Theoretical Study on 1-Chloroethanol and 2-Chloroethanol. Symmetry. 2022. 14. 2. 317-317
Dock-Chil Che, Hiroshi Kawamata, Masaaki Nakamura, Toshio Kasai, King-Chuen Lin. A vector correlation study using a hexapole-oriented molecular beam: photodissociation dynamics of oriented isohaloethane. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2022. 24. 10. 5914-5920