2003 - 2006 Relationship nitric oxide with hemodynamics in sepsis.
論文 (24件):
Tetsuya Uchino, Masahiro Miura, Shigekiyo Matsumoto, Chihiro Shingu, Toshitaka Shin, Kenichiro Tomonari, Takaaki Kitano. Comparison of three obturator nerve block techniques for injectate spread into the obturator canal: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of anesthesia. 2022. 36. 3. 383-389
Shigekiyo Matsumoto, Osamu Tokumaru, Kazue Ogata, Yoshihide Kuribayashi, Yoshimasa Oyama, Chihiro Shingu, Isao Yokoi, Takaaki Kitano. Dose-dependent scavenging activity of the ultra-short-acting β1-blocker landiolol against specific free radicals. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition. 2022
Tetsuya Uchino, Masahiro Miura, Shigekiyo Matsumoto, Chihiro Shingu, Takaaki Kitano. Superficial Radial Artery Accidentally Identified Using the Mill Suss Wrist Vascular Visualized Device. Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia. 2019. 33. 12. 3526-3527
Mariko Kosaka, Yoshimasa Oyama, Tetsuya Uchino, Yojiro Ogihara, Hironori Koga, Chihiro Shingu, Shigekiyo Matsumoto, Takaaki Kitano. Ultrasound-guided central venous tip confirmation via right external jugular vein using a right supraclavicular fossa view. The journal of vascular access. 2019. 20. 1. 19-23
Tetsuya Uchino, Masahiro Miura, Shigekiyo Matsumoto, Chihiro Shingu, Takaaki Kitano. Use of epidurography and computed tomography to identify misplacement of a section of an epidural catheter in the subarachnoid space. Journal of clinical anesthesia. 2018. 46. 1-2
, 日本集中治療医学会
, 日本麻酔学会
, Japanese Society of Pain Clinicians
, Japanese Society of Insentive Care Madicine
, Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists