Shota Enoki, Rieko Kuramochi, Koichi Nakayama, Hiroko Takigawa, Takuya Shimizu. Differences in joint angles during pole vaulting between male pole vaulters with and without chronic low back pain. BIOMEDICAL HUMAN KINETICS. 2023. 15. 1. 131-138
Shota Enoki, Rieko Kuramochi, Yuki Murata, Gaku Tokutake, Tatsuo Sakamoto, Takuya Shimizu. Internal Risk Factors for Low Back Pain in Pole Vaulters and Decathletes: A Prospective Study. Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine. 2021. 9. 2. 2325967120985616-2325967120985616
木村 明日佳, 倉持 梨恵子, 箱﨑 太誠, 清水 卓也. 股関節外旋筋へのセルフマッサージが股関節内旋可動域と体幹回旋筋力に及ぼす影響-Effect of self-massage of the hip external rotators on the hip internal rotation range of motion and trunk rotator strength. 日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌 / 日本臨床スポーツ医学会編集委員会 編. 2024. 32. 2. 264-272