IGAWA Masago. "Mark Twain’s 'Knights of the Tiller': The American Labor Movement of the 1880s in _Life on the Mississippi_". _Mark Twain Studies_. 2014. 4. 20-39
井川眞砂. 「晩年のマーク・トウェイン--_Following the Equator_ (1897) にみる反帝国主義の修辞学(レトリック)」. 『日本英文学会第85回大会 Proceedings』. 2013. 17-18
Panel: "Mark Twain: The View from Japan" (Moderator: Victor Fischer)
(The 48th Western Literature Association Conference, Berkeley, California 2013)
Presentation: “Mark Twain and ‘the knights of the tiller’: The Influence of the American Labor Movement of the 1880’s”
(The Seventh International Conference on the State of Mark Twain Studies 2013)
招待発表「晩年のマーク・トウェイン--_Following the Equator_ (1897) にみる反帝国主義の修辞学(レトリック)」(司会:石原剛)
(日本英文学会第85回大会 2013)
Academic Journal:_Mark Twain Studies,_ No2, Special Feature I: New Perspectives on "The War-Prayer" An International Forum; Special Feature II: Twain and Asia
日本マーク・トウェイン協会, 英文号編集主幹巽孝之, 編集委員メアリー・ナイトンほか 2006 -