Maternal roosts and behavior of the Ussurian tube-nosed bat, Murina ussuriensis
(The 15th International Bat Research conference 2010)
Development of vocalization and social communication in a free-ranging nursing colony of the Lesser Roundleaf bat, Hipposideros turpis.
(The 15th International Bat research Conference 2010)
2007 - - Associate Professor, ,Graduate School of Science and Engineering Natural Sciences and Mathematics(Science),Graduate School of Science and Engineering(Science),YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY
2000 - - Associate Professor, ,Graduate School of Science and Engineering Natural Sciences and Mathematics(Science),Graduate School of Science and Engineering(Science),YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY
1991 - 1992 ワシントン大学理学部(米国) 在外研究員
1991 - 1992 Oversea Researcher,Washington University