研究キーワード (9件):
, 体育史
, スポーツ科学
, 体育学
, Sport Journalism
, Pre-Victorian
, British Sport History
, History of Sport
, Sport Science
競争的資金等の研究課題 (12件):
2022 - 2024 Cross-Cultural Approaches to Sustainable Development Goals and Greening Sport: A Transnational Study of Open-air Activities, Mountain Sports, and Traditional Games
Keiko Ikeda, Tyrel Eskelson. A History of Winter Olympic Bids in Terms of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Russell Field ed. Winters of Discontent: The Winter Olympics and a Half Century of Protest and Resistance. 2025
Jinning LI, Keiko IKEDA. “China, Politics and Soccer: the Era of the Cultural Revolution: the Immediate and Eventual Consequences for ‘The Chinese Dream’”. Softpower, Soccer, Supremacy: The Chinese Dream, edited by J.A. Mangan, Peter Horton, Christian Tagsold. 2020
池田 恵子. Democracy through the Lens of Sports Journalism: Japan and the East Asian Olympic Games. Tianwei Ren, Ikeda Keiko and Chang Wan Woo (eds.), Media, Sport, Nationalism: The Political and Geopolitical Rise of East Asia Soft Power Projection via the Modern Olympic Games, Logos Verlag Berlin: Essays in Honour of Professor J. A. Mangan's Contributions to East Asian Studies. 2019. 105-118
IKEDA Keiko. The History of Modern Sport in Japan: the British Influence through the Medium of Sport on Imperialism, Nationalism and Gender with Reference to the Works of J. A. Mangan. Manufacturing Masculinity the Mangan Oeuvre Global Reflections on J.A. Mangan’s Studies of Masculinity, Imperialism and Militarism edited by Peter Horton. 2017. Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH. 133-157
Keiko Ikeda, J. A. Mangan. Towards the construction of a new regionalism? The end of East Asian colonialism: Japanese responses and reactions to the games of Asia. Japanese Imperialism: Politics and Sport in East Asia: Rejection, Resentment, Revanchism. 2017. Gateway East, Singapore. Palgrave macmillan. 337-363
Keiko Ikeda. Neo-Luddite Riots are unavoidable? : A Perspective from a long-term history of the relationship between human beings and nature. Edited by Keiko Ikeda el., Greening Sport Forum: Cross-Cultural Approaches to Sustainable Development Goals and Greening Sport: A Transnational Study of Open-air Activities, Mountain Sports, and Traditional Games. 2024. 1-3
Keiko Ikeda. What is the pas two-century sport history telling us now: nature with us?. Edited by Keiko Ikeda el., Greening Sport Roundtable: Cross-Cultural Approaches to Sustainable Development Goals and Greening Sport: A Transnational Study of Open-air Activities, Mountain Sports, and Traditional Games. 2023
池田 恵子. [Book Review] Writing the Prizefight: Pierce Egan’s Boxiana World 2013 by David Snowdon. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 2016. 2016. 33. 6-7. 760-761
池田 恵子. [Book Reviews] Zhouxiang, Lu, and Fan Hong. Sport and Nationalism in China. New York: Routledge, 2014. Journal of Sport History. 2015. 42. 3. 465-467
Greening Sport Roundtable: Cross-Cultural Approaches to Sustainable Development Goals and Greening Sport: Transnational Study of Open-air Activities, Mountain Sports, and Traditional Games
ICSSPE 国際スポーツ科学・体育協議会採択プログラム 2022-2023およびISHPES 国際体育スポーツ史学会・学術プロ グラム委員会主催 「国際ラウンドテーブル・環境保護とスポーツ」プロシーディングス 発行元 北海道大学大学院教育学研究院身体文化論講座 2023
“Neo-luddite Riots are unavoidable?: A perspective from a long-term history of the relationship between human beings and nature”
(International Greening Sport Forum: Cross-Cultural Approaches to Sustainable Development Goals and Greening Sport: A Transnational Study of Open-air Activities, Mountain Sports, and Traditional Games 2024)
‘Integrated Humanities across Polynesian, Japanese, the Andes and Western traditions with a Trialectical thinking.’
(The 24th ISHPES: the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport Congress Lausanne 2024: Individuals, Institutions, (trans)nationalism. Sport and History facing new challenges. 2023)
What is the past two-century sport history telling us now: nature with us?
(International Greening Sport Roundtable: Cross-Cultural Approaches to Sustainable Development Goals and Greening Sport: A Transnational Study of Open-air Activities, Mountain Sports, and Traditional Games 2022)
A Historical Phase of the Cultural Body in the Post-Coronavirus Society
(The 23rd ISHPES: the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport Congress Oslo 2023: Sport and History: Continuity and Change 2022)
2017/09 - 現在 Vice President International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport (ISHPES)
2015/04 - 現在 スポーツと平和を考えるユネスコクラブ 理事(副会長)
2012 - 現在 Review Editor of the International Journal of the History of Sport (IJHS), London: Routledge
2005 - 現在 Member of Council International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport (ISHPES)
2022/12 - 2026/12 スポーツ史学会 理事・編集委員
2023/02 - 2025/02 The Quarterly of Chinese Physical Education 編集委員
2011/04 - 2015/03 International Journal of Sport and Health Science A Section Editor of History
2007 - 2011 Member of the board of directors The Historical Research Section of Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
2006/12 - 2010/12 スポーツ史学会 理事
2007/05 - 2010/05 体育史学会(旧日本体育学会体育史専門分科会) 理事
2007 - 2010 A board member of Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Sciences (ACESS)
2007 - 2010 A board member of Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Sciences (ACESS) A board member of Council
受賞 (3件):
2017/01 - 北海道大学 総長教育賞
2009/03 - 山口大学 学長表彰 功績賞
2009 - Faculty of Education at Yamaguchi University Distinguished Professor
所属学会 (7件):
British Society of Sports History (BSSH
, ISHPES : International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport
, 近代社会史研究会
, 体育史専門分科会
, 西洋史学会
, スポーツ史学会
, 日本体育学会