Reiichi Miura. The Cold-war Literature of Freedom and Re-conception of Race: Richard Wrightʼs the Outsider and Lionel. Hitotsubashi journal of arts and sciences. 2010. 51. 1. 19-46
三浦 玲一. 批評理論の制度化についての覚書. 言語社会. 2010. 4. 181-212
Reiichi Miura. The Cold-war Literature of Freedom and Re-conception of Race: Richard Wrightʼs the Outsider and Lionel. Hitotsubashi journal of arts and sciences. 2010. 51. 1. 19-46
2001 - - Professor,Graduate School of Language and Society,Hitotsubashi University
1996 - 1998 名古屋大学言語文化部地域言語文化研究系 助教授
1996 - 1998 Associate Professor,Faculty of Language and Culture,Nagoya University
1998 - 名古屋大学国際言語文化研究科 助教授
1998 - Associate Professor,the Graduate School of Languages and Cultures,Nagoya University
1994 - 1996 名古屋大学言語文化部地域言語文化研究系 講師
1994 - 1996 Lecturer,Faculty of Language and Culture,Nagoya University
一橋大学 大学院言語社会研究科 教授
所属学会 (6件):
, 日本英文学会
, 日本アメリカ文学会
, Japan Society of Children's Literature in English
, The English Literary Society Japan
, Society of American Literature Japan