An Introduction to Forensic Linguistics: Language in Evidence by Malcolm Coulthard and Alison Johnson, 2007. London: Routledge, pp.237. Language and Literature: Journal of the Poetics and Linguistics Association 17 (4). 2008. 17. 4. 377-379
Awareness-raising for Evaluative Expressions by Using the Lead of Newspaper Articles. 東京経済大学紀要 「コミュニケーション」. 2007. 26. 51-72
池尾 玲子. Awareness-raising for Evaluative Expressions by Using the Lead of Newspaper Articles. 東京経済大学紀要 「コミュニケーション」. 2007. 26. >51-72
書籍 (6件):
Speech and thought presentation: speech and thought presentation with a case study of Woolf's To the Lighthouse
Sotirova, Violeta (ed.) The Bloomsbury Companion to Stylistics. London: Bloomsbury. 2015 ISBN:9781441160058
An Introduction to Forensic Linguistics: Language in Evidence by Malcolm Coulthard and Alison Johnson, 2007. London: Routledge, pp.237.
Language and Literature: Journal of the Poetics and Linguistics Association 17 (4). 2008
Thought presentation in contemporary present-tense narrative
(PALA 2023 Conference 2023)
Speech and thought presentation: the norms and contemporary present-tense fiction
(The 18th International Pragmatics Conference 2023)
Speech and thought presentation in contemporary present-tense fiction
(English Linguistics Research Seminar, Department of English, Uppsala University 2023)
Negated speech and thought presentation in contemporary present-tense fiction
(第48回英語コーパス学会 2022)