Toshiaki Hasegawa with, Y. Sasai, T. Imagawa, M. Ono. The Prediction of CO2 Emissions up to 2020 in Japanese Economic Activities. The Journal of Econometric Study of Northeast Asia. 2012. Vol.8. No.1. 75-97
Investment Behavior and Industrial Competitiveness
(the proceedings of the 15th INFORUM Conference/Lodz University Press 2007)
Time Series Data of Japanese Capital Stock by Sector: “Cascaded Leaky Buckets”
(Recent Development in INFORUM-type Modeling/Lodz University Press 2007)
Fiscal Policy, Private Investment Behaviors and Economic Growth in Japan - In a context of Interindustry analysis based approach
(the 33rd International Conference of Macromodels held in Zakopane 2006)
1991 - 米国アジア経済学会 Corresponding Editor of Journal of Asian Economics
1991 - ACAES; American Committee on Asian Economic Studies Corresponding Editor of Journal of Asian Economics
所属学会 (7件):
, 米国アジア経済学会
, 環太平洋産業連関分析学会
, ACAES; American Committee on Asian Economic Studies
, PAPAIOS; Pan Pacific Association of Input-Output Studies