- 1983 - 1998 愛媛大学農学部教授
- 1983 - 1998 Professor of Forest Resource Biology, College of Agriculture, Ehime University
- 1975 - 1983 京都大学農学部助教授
- 1975 - 1983 Associate Professor of Forest Ecology at Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
- 1967 - 1975 京都大学農学部講師
- 1967 - 1975 Lecture of Forest Ecology at Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
- 1965 - 1967 京都大学農学部助手
- 1965 - 1967 Assistant of Forest Ecology at Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
- 1965 - 日本学術振興会奨励研究生(京都大学)
- 1965 - Research Fellow of Kyoto University, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science