Over-activated grandparenthood in Japan: the effects of Welfare State Regimes on the differentiation of grandparenting
(International Conference: The Family in Modern and Global Societies: Persistence and Change 2019)
The Compressed Grandparenthood in Japan: The Influence of the Change of Social Policy, Low Fertility Rate, and the Lack of Social Pathway of Long Grandparenting
(XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology 2018)
Family Changes and Quasi-surrogate Grandparenting in Japan
(Regional Symposium of CIFA "Asian Families: Change and Consistency" 2016)
Grandparenthood under Family and Welfare Policy Changes in Post-war Japan: Gender Differences in the Conflict between "Not Interfering" Norm and the Traditional Japanese Stem Family Values
(XVIII the International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology 2014)