2000 - 2005 Interrelation between the Ottaman Empire and European Christendom
1997 - 1999 ナポレオン支配時代のヨーロッパとトルコ
1997 - 1999 Europe and Turkey under the reign of Napoleon
MISC (28件):
On the First Meeting between the Rossian Embassy in Iseanbul and Turkish Chief Secretary (Reis Efendi). Bulltin of the Faculty Letters of Aichi Gakuin University. 2003. 32. 115-128
On the Peace Treaty of Jassy(1792). Review of Western History. 2003. 30, 63-94
On the First Meeting between the Rossian Embassy in Iseanbul and Turkish Chief Secretary (Reis Efendi). Bulltin of the Faculty Letters of Aichi Gakuin University. 2003. 32. 115-128
International Congress of Asian and North African Studies
, Permanent International Altaistic Conference
, 日本砂漠学会
, 東欧史研究会
, 日本中東学会
, 日本西洋史学会
, 史学会
, 日本オリエント学会
, 日本歴史学協会
, 史学研究会