J-GLOBAL ID:200901040123013506   更新日: 2024年07月03日

石川 智己

論文 (23件):
  • Hang Song, Shinsuke Sasada, Takayuki Kadoya, Koji Arihiro, Morihito Okada, Xia Xiao, Tomomi Ishikawa, Declan O'Loughlin, Jun-ichi Takada, Takamaro Kikkawa. Cross-Correlation of Confocal Images for Excised Breast Tissues of Total Mastectomy. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2024. 71. 5. 1705-1716
  • Jiunn-Wei Chen, Tomomi Ishikawa, Luchang Jin, Huey-Wen Lin, Jian-Hui Zhang and Yong Zhao. Symmetry properties of nonlocal quark bilinear operators on a Lattice (LP3 Collaboration). Chinese Physics C. 2019. 43. 10. 103101
  • Tomomi Ishikawa, LuChang Jin, Huey-Wen Lin, Andreas Schäfer, Yi-Bo Yang, Jian-Hui Zhang & Yong Zhao. Gaussian-weighted parton quasi-distribution (Lattice Parton Physics Project (LP3)). Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. 2019. 62. 9. 991021
  • H.-W. Lin, J.-W. Chen, T. Ishikawa, J.-H. Zhang. Improved parton distribution functions at the physical pion mass. Physical Review D. 2018. 98. 5. 054504
  • H. W. Lin et al. Parton distributions and lattice QCD calculations: A community white paper. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. 2018. 100. 107-160
講演・口頭発表等 (10件):
  • Statistical characteristics of RTN and 1/f noise in MOSFETs
    (2022 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (AWAD 2022) 2022)
  • 映像化アルゴリズム ~マイクロ波乳がん検診に向けて~
    (東京都医工連携HUB機構セミナー 2020)
  • Artifact Removal for Microwave Breast Cancer Detection
    (The 4th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering 2019)
  • Microwave Tomography in Time-Domain
    (The 3rd International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering 2018)
  • Parton Distribution Functions on the Lattice
    (ハドロン・原子核物理の理論研究最前線 2017 2017)
受賞 (1件):
  • 2020/11/24 - Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences The Most Influential Paper Award of Chinese Physics Society Symmetry properties of nonlocal quark bilinear operators on a Lattice
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