Takuya Miyamoto. 「An Examination of Inter-Organisational Learning and R&D Capability through Open Innovation」. The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management. 2020. 18. 1. 80-88
Takuya Miyamoto. A Consideration on Interorganizational Learning and R&D Capability. Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning. 2019
「A Research on risk reduction systems in the Corporate Entrepreneur Initiative -entrepreneurship as a Secondment in Japan -」(forthcoming)
(R&D Management Conference 2024)
「A Study on Labour-Managed Firm and Ambidextrous Management -A Case of Mondragon Corporation-」
(R&D Management Conference 2023)
「A Consideration on Interorganizational Learning and R&D Capability」
(16th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning 2019)
「A Consideration on Open Innovation and Interorganizational Learning -How did Toyota Reach a Top R&D Company in the Rechargeable Battery Business? -」
(International Conference on Business and Finance 2019 2019)