研究キーワード (5件):
, ガスクロマトグラフィー
, 脂質分析
, 水産脂質
, Chemistry and Biochemistry on Marine Lipids (6301
競争的資金等の研究課題 (8件):
2020 - 2025 海洋性魚類の食物連鎖解明に資するエイコセン酸異性体組成のデータベース構築
2021 - 2024 脂肪酸を用いたクロマグロ仔魚の高成長維持機構の解明
2020 - 2023 脂質・脂肪酸分析を用いたクロマグロの繁殖投資量の推定と産卵能力の評価
2003 - 2004 仔稚魚の単一個体分析による栄養状態評価法
2001 - 2003 水圏生物におけるD型リン脂質の分析法,分布および生理機能
1995 - 1995 脂溶性摂餌刺激物質の分子種組成による水産餌料評価に関する研究
1987 - 水産脂質成分の組成および構造分析
1987 - Analysis of marine lipids
論文 (54件):
Rika Kudo, Ryota Yamano, Juanwen Yu, Shuya Hatakeyama, Chunqi Jiang, Sayaka Mino, Shogo Yamaki, Yasuhiro Ando, Yuichi Sakai, Tomoo Sawabe. The Description of Pseudoalteromonas apostichopi sp. nov., Vibrio apostichopi sp. nov., and Marinobacter apostichopi sp. nov. from the Fertilized Eggs and Larvae of Apostichopus japonicus. Current microbiology. 2024. 81. 8. 246-246
Seiji Ohshimo, Yuko Hiraoka, Yasuhiro Ando. Geographical and species differences of fatty acid components of small pelagic fishes, micronekton, and squids in the northwestern pacific. Aquaculture and Fisheries. 2023
Sayaka Mino, So Fukazawa, Jiro Tsuchiya, Jesse C McNichol, Stefan M Sievert, Shogo Yamaki, Yasuhiro Ando, Tomoo Sawabe. Hydrogenimonas cancrithermarum sp. nov., a hydrogen- and thiosulfate-oxidizing mesophilic chemolithoautotroph isolated from diffuse-flow fluids on the East Pacific Rise, and an emended description of the genus Hydrogenimonas. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology. 2023. 73. 11
Minami Ishihara, Kohei Matsuno, Koki Tokuhiro, Yasuhiro Ando, Kazutoshi Sato, Atsushi Yamaguchi. Geographic variation in population structure and grazing features of Calanus glacialis/marshallae in the Pacific Arctic Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2023. 10
Seiji Ohshimo, Yuko Hiraoka, Satoshi Suyama, Toshihiro Tsuji, Ryuji Yukami, Tohya Yasuda, Yasuhiro Ando. Geographical differences in stable isotope ratios and fatty acid and lipid signatures of chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus, in waters around Japan. Bulletin of Marine Science. 2022. 98. 3. 247-270