Masumi Takeuchi, Keiko Katagiri. Effects of Workplace Ageism on Negative Perception of Aging and Subjective Well-being of Older Adults According to Gender and Employment Status. Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 2024
Kim Nahyun, 片桐恵子, 市井吉興. 趣味と社会貢献を実施する囲碁グループの参加者の活動継続による変化. レジャー・レクリエーション研究. 2023. 99. 39-52
KIM Nahyun, 片桐 恵子. 高齢期における社会的ネットワークの多様性と心理的ウェルビーイングとの関連 -JGSS-2018データを用いた分析-. 日本版総合的社会調査共同研究拠点 研究論文集[21]. 2023. 33-45
Ai Fukuzawa, Keiko Katagiri, Kouhei Masumoto, Narihiko Kondo, Makoto Chogahara, Shuichi Okada. A study of the relation between Japanese elderly people's satisfaction with their current life and their level of social participation: Based on the role of social networks. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY. 2016. 51. 51-51
Keiko Katagiri, Kouhei Masumoto, Shuichi Okada, Narihiko Kondo, Makoto Chogahara, Ai Fukuzawa. Interventions increase community interactions among elderly adults: Evidence from an urban area in Japan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY. 2016. 51. 45-46
Active Use of Online Community Reduces Loneliness among Older Adults Through Weak Ties Formation
(The Gerontological Society of America2023 Annual Scientific Meeting 2023)
Good for Health, Bad for Subjective Well-being: Effect of Continuing Work on Japanese Older Adults
(GSA 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting 2023)
2006/11 - the Gerontological Society of America Civic Engagement in an Older America Paper Award 論文『Successful aging and a hierarchical model of the civic engagement of Japanese retirees』に対して
所属学会 (9件):
American Psychological Association
, 日本応用老年学会
, 日本発達心理学会
, 日本NPO学会
, 日本社会学会
, 日本心理学会
, The Gerontological Society of America
, 日本老年社会科学会
, 日本社会心理学会