J-GLOBAL ID:200901044015509070
更新日: 2024年07月30日
伊地 哲朗
イジ テツロウ | IJI Tetsuro
研究キーワード (6件):
, 紛争平和研究
, 国際安全保障
, 国際交渉と紛争仲介
, 国際連合
, 外交と外交政策
論文 (7件):
Tetsuro Iji, Yuan-kang Wang. Unraveling Chinese Mindset in the East China Sea (forthcoming). China Negotiating All Out: Mindset and Strategies. 2024
Tetsuro IJI. The Limits and Potentials of UN Mediation: Views from Ripeness Theory. International Negotiation. 2022. 27. 3. 354-385
Tetsuro Iji. War-Making and Mediation in Civil Wars: Three Ideal Types of Third Parties and Ripeness Concepts. Ethnopolitics. 2022. 21. 2. 125-137
Tetsuro IJI. The UN as an International Mediator: From the Post-Cold War Era to the Twenty-First Century. Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations. 2017. 23. 1. 83-100
Tetsuro IJI. Contact Group Diplomacy: The Strategies of the Western Contact Group in Mediating Namibian Conflict. Diplomacy & Statecraft. 2011. 22. 4. 634-650
書籍 (3件):
Reflecting about the Past, Present, and Future of UN Mediation (Special Issue of International Negotiation journal)
Brill | Nijhoff 2022
Revisiting the “Ripeness” Debate
Routledge 2022 ISBN:9781032324968
Multiparty Mediation in Violent Conflict: Peacemaking Diplomacy in the Tajikistan Civil War
Routledge 2019 ISBN:9780367333607
講演・口頭発表等 (4件):
Demonstration of Power and War Avoidance in the East China Sea
(Annual Convention, International Studies Association 2022)
Third Parties in Civil War and Hurting Stalemate: Three Ideal Types
(Annual Virtual Convention, International Studies Association 2021)
Rethinking Legitimate Power in International Mediation
(Annual Convention, International Studies Association 2016)
The UN as an International Mediator
(International Conference on Mediation, University of Pretoria 2015)
学位 (3件):
- 国際関係学博士(Ph.D.)ロンドン大学経済政治学院(LSE)
- 国際関係学修士 ジョンズホプキンス大学高等国際問題研究大学院(SAIS)
- 学士 上智大学外国語学部