Study of Reporting Discourse from the Viewpoint of Cognitive Pragmatics
論文 (21件):
Sakita, Tomoko I. Self-repair and self-monitoring with the editing term "well" in narrative in view of stance. GR:同志社大学グローバル地域文化学会紀要. 2017. 9. 1-27
Sakita, Tomoko I. Stance management in oral narrative: The role of discourse marker well and resonance. Functions of Language: Special Issue of Stance, Resonance and the Power of Engagement. 2017. 24. 1. 66-94
Sakita, Tomoko I. Interactional Management in Conversational Concession with the Stance Marker Well. GR:同志社大学グローバル地域文化学会紀要. 2013. 1. 59-87
Sakita Tomoko I. Survey of the Discourse Marker Well in Quoted Speech in Spoken American English. 言語文化. 2013. 15. 4. 331-357
Nir, Bracha, & Sakita, Tomoko I. A crosslinguistic study of intersubjectivity: Stance-taking in Japanese and Israeli narratives based on inherited war memories. 2022
Sakita, Tomoko I. Enhancement of dialogue processing: From the viewpoints of natural language processing and discourse pragmatics. 言語文化. 2010. 12. 4. 619-663
Cognitive and dialogic analyses of discourse development and intersubjectivity.
(34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse 2024)
Human growth strategy from the viewpoint of gender, language, and biodiversity.
(16th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences 2024)
A cognitive model of discourse structure building: From the perspective of intonation units and cognitive grammar.
(18th International Pragmatics Conference 2023)
A crosslinguistic study of intersubjectivity: Stance-taking in Japanese and Israeli narratives based on inherited war memories.
(23rd Annual International Conference of The Japanese Society for Language Sciences 2022)
1997 - 2000 Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
受賞 (3件):
2003 - 市河三喜賞
1993 - Vilas Award
1990 - センチュリー文化財団賞
所属学会 (10件):
, 日本語用論学会
, 日本認知言語学会
, 日本言語学会
, 日本英語学会
, Society for Text & Discourse
, International Pragmatics Association
, Linguistic Society of America
, American Dialect Society
, 日本言語科学会