1990 - Research of the Child's Consciousness of Death
1973 - 日本におけるヘルバルト派受容
1973 - Reception of Herbartion in Japan
MISC (149件):
上薗恒太郎, 森永謙二. Assessment by Association Method of a Moral Education Lesson on a Local Topic in a Mixed-age Class. 長崎大学教育学部紀要-教育科学. 2012. 76
Kohtaro Kamizono, Kenji Morinaga. Assessment by Association Method of a Moral Education Lesson on a Local Topic in a Mixed-age Class. Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University: Educational Science. 2012. 76
Kohtaro Kamizono, Kenji Morinaga, Satoru Nakahara, Chisato Tsuji. Towards a Transition to Collaborative Learning of Moral Education Lessons -Reflecting on one's way of Life-. 2011. 16. 54-64