Takaoki Kasahara, Kazuyuki Mekada, Kuniya Abe, Alan Ashworth, Tadafumi Kato. Complete sequencing of the mouse pseudoautosomal region, the most rapidly evolving ‘chromosome’. bioRxiv. 2022
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Yui Terayama, Shin-ichi Nakamura, Kazuyuki Mekada, Tetsuro Matsuura, Kiyokazu Ozaki. High-fat diet-induced nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is accelerated by low carnitine and impaired glucose tolerance in novel murine models. Laboratory Investigation. 2022. 102. 6. 621-630
Kazuyuki Mekada, Atsushi Yoshiki. Substrains matter in phenotyping of C57BL/6 mice. Experimental Animals. 2021. 70. 2. 145-160
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