Y Akizuki, E Maeda, Y Takagishi, C Okinaga, M Sato, Y Mouri. Teenagers’ experiences and attitudes toward sex and fertility education in Japan. Human Reproduction. 2024. 39. Supple. 417-418
Y Akizuki, E Maeda, T Ohba, Y Takagishi. Attitudes and experiences regarding fertility education among health and physical education teachers and Yogo teachers in upper secondary schools in Japan. Human Reproduction. 2023. 38. Supple. 454-454
Eri Maeda, Yuri Akizuki, Akiko Fujishima, Naoko Arata. Frequency of sexual intercourse and fecundability among women trying to conceive in Japan. Human Reproduction. 2023. 38. Supple. 401-401
, 日本IVF学会
, 日本健康相談活動学会
, 日本養護教諭教育学会
, 日本支援対話学会
, 日本助産学会
, 日本看護科学学会
, American Society for Reproductive Medicine(ASRM)
, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
, 日本学校保健学会
, 日本女性心身医学会
, 日本母性衛生学会
, 日本受精着床学会
, 日本生殖医学会