The evalnation of articular cartilage vsing Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The application of Magnetic Resonance Imaging to small animals
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Noninvasive identification of myocardial sympathetic and metabolic abnormalities in a patient with "Takotsubo" cardiomyopathy. International Medical Journal. 2005. 12. 143-144
Noninvasive identification of myocardial sympathetic and metabolic abnormalities in a patient with "Takotsubo" cardiomyopathy. International Medical Journal. 2005. 12. 143-144
Noninvasive identification of myocardial sympathetic and metabolic abnormalities in a patient with "Takotsubo" cardiomyopathy. International Medical Journal. 2005. 12,143-144
Noninvasive identification of myocardial sympathetic and metabolic abnormalities in a patient with "Takotsubo" cardiomyopathy. International Medical Journal. 2005. 12,143-144