研究キーワード (1件):
Material Science and Technology for Condensed Molecules
競争的資金等の研究課題 (5件):
Self-organization and Molecular Interaction of Carotenoids
Properties and Dynamics of Optically Excited Solid of Photosynthetic Pigments
MISC (18件):
H Hashimoto, Y Koyama, Y Mori. Mechanism activating the 2(1)A(g) state in all-trans-beta-carotene crystal to resonance Raman scattering. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 2-LETTERS. 1997. 36. 7B. L916-L918
Size Effect in Optical Absorption Spectrum of Carotenoid Molecular Crystals. Materials Science Forum. 1997. 239. 203
EPR Studies of Ti<sup>3+</sup> Ions in Lager Laser Chrysoberyl Quality Chrpso beyl
Proc. XII Int. Conf. Refects in Insulating Materials. 1993
Super-Hyperfine Structure of the 2S-like Relaxed Excited State of the F Center in KCl Observed by Zero-Frequency ODENDOR
Proc. XII Int. Conf. Defects in Insuleling Materials 1993