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Ryo Satoh, Takashi Morinaga, Takaya Sato. Novel Dry Spinning Process of Natural Macromolecules for Sustainable Fiber Material -1- Proof of the Concept Using Silk Fibroin. Materials. 2022. 15. 12. 4195-4195
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Yohei Nakanishi, Keita Sakakibara, Kimiyo Nakamichi, Kohji Ohno, Takashi Morinaga, Takaya Sato, Takashi Sagawa, Yoshinobu Tsujii. Concentrated-Polymer-Brush-Modified Silica Nanoparticles Self-Assembled in Ionic Liquid Containing Iodide/Triiodide (I-/I3-)-Redox System as Quasi-Solid Electrolytes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. ACS Applied Nano Materials. 2021
荒船 博之, 上條 利夫, 森永 隆志, 佐藤 貴哉. 自己修復性ポリマーブラシの最新動向とトライボロジー応用-Recent Trends in Self-Healing Polymer Brushes and Their Tribological Applications-特集 高機能材料の最新動向とトライボロジー応用の可能性. トライボロジスト = Journal of Japanese Society of Tribologists / 日本トライボロジー学会 編. 2024. 69. 6. 416-422
Science, Technology and Advanced Application of Supercapacitors
IntechOpen 2019 ISBN:9781789858020
電気評論社 2018
Behavior of Ionic Liquids under Nanoconfinement Greatly Affects Actual Friction
InTech-Open Access Publisher 2017
Development of Novel Nano-systems for Electrochemical Devices by Hierarchizing Concentrated Polymer Brushes
Japan Science and Technology Agency(Springer Japan) 2016 ISBN:9784431564270
“Preparation, physicochemical properties and battery applications of a novel poly(ionic liquid)” in Ionic Liquids - New Aspects for the Future
InTech-Open Access Publisher 2013
Controlled synthesis and properties of polymeric composites with well-defined cellulose-nanofiber network
(6th EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conference 2019)
Novel solid polymer electrolyte including ionic liquids for high voltage energy storage devices
(20th International Union of Materials Research Societies International Conference 2019)
Synthesis and functionality of ionic liquid type polymer brush surface
(ISSHAC-10 2018)
Ionic liquid and polymer composite as new functional materials
(ICAS2018 2018)
New Solid Polymer Electrolyte Including Ionic Liquid for High Voltage Capacitor
(7th International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry 2017)