2003 - Meteorology of Syowa Station in the Antarctic
2002 - 2002 南極昭和基地大型大気レーダーを用いた極域大気科学の総合研究
2000 - 2002 衛星観測データ・客観解析データに基づく極渦周辺擾乱の気候
1999 - 2002 高分解能大気大循環化学モデルの開発と成層圏物質循環の研究
2002 - A study of Antarctic ozone hole formation and ozone layer recovery processes
1998 - 2000 EISCATレーダーによる北極域の大気圏・電磁気圏環境変動の研究
1998 - 1999 観測データに基づく極域重力波の力学特性と年々変動の解明
1996 - 1999 新総観気象学:傾圧波・中間規模波・重力波の力学的研究
1997 - 1997 大型大気レーダーを用いた大気重力波の研究
1996 - 1997 インドネシア海洋大陸における気候学的空白領域の補完
1996 - 1996 地形性重力波の発生と伝播に関する研究
1994 - 1996 高分解能・気候モデルの波動解析
1994 - 1996 熱帯・亜熱帯域の降水システムの総合解析
1995 - 1995 対流圏界面付近の中間規模大気波動の地域・季節特性と維持メカニズム
1994 - 1994 地形性重力波の発生・鉛直伝播に関する数値実験
The plan of Antarctic Syowa MST radar
Atmospheric waves and their effects on the climate
論文 (174件):
M. Kohma, K. Sato, D. C. Fritts, T. S. Lund. Numerical Simulation of Orographic Gravity Waves Observed Over Syowa Station: Wave Propagation and Breaking in the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2024. 129. 3
L. Yoshida, Y. Tomikawa, M. K. Ejiri, M. Tsutsumi, M. Kohma, K. Sato. Large-amplitude Inertia Gravity Waves over Syowa Station: Comparison of PANSY Radar and ERA5 Reanalysis Data Journal: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 2024. in press
Yoshihiro TOMIKAWA, Isao MURATA, Masashi KOHMA, Kaoru SATO. Simultaneous Observation of Near-Inertial Frequency Gravity Waves by a Long-Duration Balloon and the PANSY Radar in the Antarctic. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II. 2024. 102. 6. 655-664
Kiyoka Murase, Ryuho Kataoka, Takanori Nishiyama, Kaoru Sato, Masaki Tsutsumi, Yoshimasa Tanaka, Yasunobu Ogawa, Tatsuhiko Sato. Atmospheric Ionizations by Solar X-Rays, Solar Protons, and Radiation Belt Electrons in September 2017 Space Weather Event. Space Weather. 2023. 21. 12
Kaoru Sato, Yoshihiro Tomikawa, Masashi Kohma, Ryosuke Yasui, Dai Koshin, Haruka Okui, Shingo Watanabe, Kazuyuki Miyazaki, Masaki Tsutsumi, Damian Murphy, et al. Interhemispheric Coupling Study by Observations and Modelling (ICSOM): Concept, Campaigns, and Initial Results. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2023. 128. 11
Observational studies of gravity waves associated with convection. Gravity Wave Processes : Their Parameterization in Global Climate Models, edited by K. Hamilton, NATO ASI Series
Springer 1997
A member of the wintering party of the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition: Observaton of Antarctic ozone hole and feasibility study of Antarctic Syowa MST/IS radar program
2002 - 2004
2002 -
A study of Antarctic ozone hole formation and ozone layer recovery processes
2002 -
1994 - 1995 The Meteorological Society of Japan Editor of Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, Member of Electrical Information Comittee, Councillor
2018/06 - Asia Oceania Geoscience Society, Atmospheric Sciences Section Distinguished Lecture at the 15th Annual Meeting of AOGS, Vertical and Interhemispheric Coupling in the Middle Atmosphere