研究キーワード (6件):
, 楕円曲線
, 保型関数
, algebraic number field
, elliptic curve
, automorphic function
競争的資金等の研究課題 (6件):
Elliptic cryptosystem
The defining equations for the modular function fields
On the rational points of elliptic curves
MISC (40件):
吉村俊介, 小牟田綾, 石井伸郎. N-systems,class polynomials of double eta-quotients and singular values oh j-invariant function,. International Mathematical Forum. 2009. 4. 8. 367-376
Y.Yoshimura, A.Comuta, N.Ishii. N-systems,class polynomials of double eta-quotients and singular values oh j-invariant function. International Mathematical Forum. 2009. 4. 8. 367-376
石井 伸郎. モジュラー関数体の生成元によるJ-不変関数の有理表現について. International Mathematical Forum. 2007. 2. 38. 1877-1894
Rational Expression for J-invariant function in terms of generators of modular function fields. International Mathematical Forum. 2007. 2. 38. 1877-1894