Morimichi Umehara. Global existence of the spherically symmetric flow of a self-gravitating viscous gas. NONLINEAR DYNAMICS IN PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 2015. 64. 515-522
M. Umehara, A. Tani. Global existence and asymptotic behaviour of the one-dimensional motion of a self-gravitating viscous and reactive gas. GAKUTO International Series Mathematical Sciences and Applications. 2008. 29. 407-424
梅原 守道. A free-boundary problem for the spherically symmetric motion of a viscous heat-conducting and self-gravitating gas. 数理解析研究所講究録(流体と気体の数学解析). 2022. 2215. 119-127
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M. Umehara. On the free-boundary problem for self-gravitating viscous gaseous models. 数理科学セミナー. 2009. 12. 94-108
M. Umehara, A. Tani. Global solvability and some uniform-in-time bounds of the solution for self-gravitating viscous stellar models. 数理解析研究所講究録(流体と気体の数学解析). 2008. 1592. 116-129
A spherically symmetric and steady flow describing the motion of a viscous gaseous star
(10th international congress on industrial and applied mathematics 2023)
Steady and spherically symmetric flows of a viscous heat-conducting and self-gravitating gas bounded by the free-surface
(Mathematical Analysis on Fluid Dynamics and Conservation Laws (in honor of Professor Shinya Nishibata on the occasion of his 60th birthday) 2022)
A free-boundary problem for the spherically symmetric motion of a viscous heat-conducting and self-gravitating gas
(RIMS workshop on: Mathematical analysis in fluid and gas dynamics (The 22th workshop) 2021)
On spherically symmetric motions of a viscous heat-conducting and self-gravitating gas
(The fifth China-Japan workshop on mathematical topics from fluid mechanics 2015)