Shin-ichi Suzuki, Hiroko Morooka, Takeshi Yamazaki, Toshiki Iwasaki. Future Projection of Extremely Heavy Rainfall in the Tohoku District of Japan with Large Ensemble Simulations Using the 5 km Regional Climate Model. Journal of Disaster Research. 2024. 19. 6. 991-1005
Namiko Sakurai, Koyuru Iwanami, Shingo Shimizu, Yasushi Uji, Shin-ichi Suzuki, Takeshi Maesaka, Ken-ichi Shimose, Paul R. Krehbiel, William Rison, Daniel Rodeheffer. 3D Total Lightning Observation Network in Tokyo Metropolitan Area (Tokyo LMA). Journal of Disaster Research. 2021. 16. 4. 778-785
Tadayasu Ohigashi, Takeshi Maesaka, Shin-ichi Suzuki, Yukari Shusse, Namiko Sakurai, Koyuru Iwanami. Clear-Air Echoes Observed by Ka-band Polarimetric Cloud Radar: A Case Study on Insect Echoes in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Japan. JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. 2021. 99. 1. 101-112
Ryohei Misumi, Yoshinori Shoji, Kazuo Saito, Hiromu Seko, Naoko Seino, Shin-ichi Suzuki, Yukari Shusse, Kohin Hirano, Stéphane Bélair, V. Chandrasekar, et al. Results of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area Convection Study for Extreme Weather Resilient Cities (TOMACS). Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2019. 100. 10. 2027-2041
Observations of convective storm and tornado-like vortex using X- and Ka-band radars and Doppler lidars in Tokyo, Japan
(39th International Conference on Radar Meteorology 2019)