J-GLOBAL ID:200901061743895433
更新日: 2022年09月06日
大出 義仁
オオデ ヨシヒト | Ohde Yoshihito
研究分野 (1件):
研究キーワード (3件):
臨界現象 物理化学一般
, 相転移
, Phase transitions and critical phenomena Physical chemistry in general
競争的資金等の研究課題 (8件):
2003 - 2005 負圧域における液晶の相転移の圧力依存性
2003 - 2005 Pressure dependences of phase transitions of liquids crystal from positive to negative ranges
2002 - 2005 ベルセロ法を用いたメソポア内の分子集団の挙動
2002 - 2005 Behaviour of molecules in mesopores investigated in the Bertelot method
Properties of liquids under negative pressure
Raising of negative pressure for a liquid in a metal Berthelot tube
MISC (52件):
Stagnations of increasing trends in negative pressure with repeated cavitation in water/metal Berthelot tubes as a result of mechanical sealing. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2003. 36. 1
Stagnations of increasing trends in negative pressure with repeated cavitation in water/metal Berthelot tubes as a result of mechanical sealing. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2003. 36. 1
Y Ohde, K Komori, T Nakamura, Y Tanzawa, Y Nishino, K Hiro. Effects of gas transports in metals on negative pressures in water in Mo/Cu Berthelot tubes. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS. 2001. 34. 11. 1717-1726
Y Ohde, K Komori, T Nakamura, Y Tanzawa, Y Nishino, K Hiro. Effects of gas transports in metals on negative pressures in water in Mo/Cu Berthelot tubes. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS. 2001. 34. 11. 1717-1726
Y Tanzawa, Y Ohde. Dependence of spherulite growth rate of poly(p-phenylene sulfide) on film thickness: limitation on growth rate in multinucleation regime. POLYMER. 1998. 39. 17. 3993-3999
書籍 (4件):
Liquids Under Negative Pressure
Kluwer Academic Press 2002
Liquids Under Negative Pressure
Kluwer Academic Press 2002
Failure of Plastics
Hanser Publishers 1986
Failure of Plastics
Hanser Publishers 1986
学歴 (4件):
- 1972 京都大学 理学研究科 物理学第一
- 1972 京都大学
- 1967 京都大学 理学部 物理学
- 1967 京都大学
学位 (2件):
理学博士 (京都大学)
理学修士 (京都大学)
経歴 (7件):
1975 - 1983 名古屋工業大学工学部講師
1975 - 1983 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
1983 - - 名古屋工業大学工学部助教授
1983 - - Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
1972 - 1975 名古屋工業大学工学部助手
1972 - 1975 Research Associate, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
名古屋工業大学 大学院工学研究科 おもひ領域 大学院工学研究科 おもひ領域 助教授
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