Gen'ichiro Itakura. Plumbing Ethically: A New Pastorate in Ian McEwan's Saturday. 関西大学東西学術研究所紀要. 2024. 57. 19-36
Gen'ichiro Itakura. The Lawyer’s Scarf, the Banker’s Waning Testosterone: A Most Wanted Man and the Post-9/11 Politics of Emotion. 関西大学東西学術研究所紀要. 2023. 56. 29-45
Gen'ichiro Itakura. Fearful and Shameful: Affective and Ethical Reactions to Modernity in David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas. Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction. 2021. vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 536-546
Gen'ichiro Itakura. Screams and laughter: Transfer of affect in Nadeem Aslam’s The Blind Man’s Garden. Journal of Postcolonial Writing. 2020. 56. 3. 356-369
"Here's what you tell me": Worlding of Refugee Experiences in A Country of Refuge and Refugee Tales
(World Literature and the Minor: Figuration, Circulation, Translation 2021)