研究キーワード (25件):
, Applying the above to ourselves by personal storytelling, the characters in the 4 books that we read in the class, lyrics of songs, short YouTube documentaries, and the movie that we watch.
, Increasing awareness of Emotional intelligence by directly interacting with The Map of Consciousness.
, Understanding the 8 qualities of Human’ness to increase the awareness and appreciation of diversity in: Relational, Emotional, Volitional, innovative, Physical/Physically challenged, Spiritual, Significant and Integrated. Including an exploration of these and 3 Intelligences in a Self Introduction.
, Understanding the 8 Multiple Intelligences by Gardner to increase the awareness and appreciation of intelligences Diversity, not the status quo physical diversity that (American) social media tends to focus on.
, Drawing Portraits by rolling a dice and innovating to make a Self Portrait - increasing awareness of both understanding one’s identity and “losing one’s identity”.
, Conscious Breath and Conscious Movements using BrainDance: 8 Moves that support conscious movement that are found in human dance. This activity supports Kinesthetic Intelligence as well as overall health and well-being.
, 学生が作成する「現代的イシュー・パワーポイント・ライブラリー」を開発する。現代的な問題や日本と海外の相互関連性について理解を深めるため、3人1組、最大8人の生徒が自作で「現代的イシューパワーポイント」を作成する。例として、気候変動、ジェンダー平等、児童虐待などがあります。 リサーチは、Meaningful Communication Protocol:深堀り、グループメンバーの個人的な意見や経験、革新的なつながり、Elephants in the Roomによって進められます。
, Increasing conscious choice-making in Extensive Reading: Randomly choosing a book and places to read in a book and intentionally selecting a book to read or places to read by table of contents and by pictures in the book.
, Visual MapのプレゼンテーションとAutonomyとの関連についての研究とディスカッションの質問。生徒のエンパワーメント意識は、有意義なコミュニケーションによって高まるか 好きなものに関連したリサーチとディスカッション。有意義なコミュニケーションには以下のようなものがある。事実/歴史、個人的意見/個人的経験、現代の問題/革新的なつながり。
, マップオブコンシャスネスに基づくパーソナルストーリーによって、自分自身と他者のエモーショナルインテリジェンスへの気づきを促進する。
, 多様性: 多様性とは、物理的な要因(男女、肌の色、目の色、髪、体重)だけに関係するものではありません。多様性とは、神経の多様性、複数の知能の多様性、トラウマを含む人生経験の多様性などである。
, Visual arts teach English communication I learners about color, balance of lines and spaces and layout. Viewing Art and creating, for example, Visual Maps, learners exercise motor skills, decision-making, risk-taking, and inventiveness. All of these techniques are necessary in visual and digital presentations of academic work
, Promoting 1st language fluency in English Communication I classes is a radical step towards developing fluency about contemporary issues, hot topics and relevant conversations (new for many learners) in local and international society. On these topics 1st language fluency is helpful to developing authentic English communication.
, Promote a paradigm shift in higher education to include Mind-Body-Spirit awareness. These three are recognized as being integral to Personhood. Knowledge of our two nervous systems: parasympathetic (stimulates relaxation and restoration) and sympathetic nervous system (prepares the body for action) we practice conscious thought, conscious movements/breaths and meditation.
, The important connection between Free Speaking and Brain Research related to the non-linearity of our voice(s), research by Rebecca Kleinberger. Individual holistic voice development may impact on understanding personal and cultural biases and negative and self-destructive thought and voice messages, outer voice and inner voice.
, Raising awareness about the important conversations around HAIR (Spike Lee) that ultimately are related to the historical discrimination of Minorities, primarily Black people, and of “other’ing” and the contemporary conversations and demonstrations against Police Brutality and Black Lives Matter.
, Inclusivity in class materials of the history of Colonization of the Ainu-gene in Hokkaido and Okinawan Uchinanchu or Ryukyuan people, in order that participation in conversations of Colonization of Indigenous people in Canada, the United States, Australia and Brazil (the Japanese diaspora) can be participated in.
, the profound connection between Pina Bausch’s process of creating and choreographing Dances and the English Communication instructor developing new class materials
, Fluency practice using 2 minute focus and 2 minute awareness training
, Integrating Mindfulness and Aesthetic Appreciation to Mind Mapping Experience using Zentangles
, Maslow's Hierarchy applied to Communication
, Questionng Approach
, Meaningful Communication: Intelligent, Emotional, Innovative Connections
, Holistic - Multiple Intelligences; Aural, Visual and Kinaesthetic