研究キーワード (10件):
, カーボンナノチューブ
, 炭素繊維
, グラファイト
, 断熱材
, 炭素材料
, Physical properties of carbon nanotubes
, Compressive behaviour of CFRP
, Automatic material machining process using CAD/CAM
競争的資金等の研究課題 (8件):
2023 - 2027 高い断熱性能と耐震強度を有するシリカエアロゲル/コンクリート複合建材の開発
2018 - 2019 シリカ繊維/エアロゲル複合断熱材の創製
2006 - 2008 ナノカーボン充填コンパウンドを用いたマイクロアクチュエータの開発
2004 - 2006 ナノカーボン充填コンパウンドを用いたマイクロ部品加工とその物性評価
2002 - 2004 圧縮荷重下における炭素繊維の高強度化に関する研究
Study on Mechanical Behaviour of Carbon Nanotubes
Study on Compressive Behaviour of Carbon Fibres
Study on Automatic Material Machining Process Using CAD/CAM Environment
論文 (10件):
K. Sugiura, M. Tanizawa, K. Kimoto, N. Oya, T. Kashiwabara, Y. Imae, K. Imae. Influence of each sub-material on thermal conductivity of thermal insulation for ENE-FARM. ECS Transactions. 2018. 83. 1. 31-37
N. Oya, Y. Kawajiri, H. Kitajima, K. Matsumoto, K. Sugiura, Y. Imae, K. Imae. Structural determination of silica-based fire-proof heat insulation. Advanced Materials - TechConnect Briefs 2017. 2017. 2. 293-296
Compressive Properties and Their Scatters of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics. Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM-7). 1996. 2. 159
特許 (1件):
講演・口頭発表等 (22件):
Study on Recyclability of Graphite Cutting Chips as Conductive Fillers
(The 30th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena 2019)
Preparation and Characterization of Silica-Fiber / Aerogel Composite Heat Insulations
(The 30th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena 2019)