研究キーワード (4件):
, 核医学
, psychooncology
, Nuclear Medicine
競争的資金等の研究課題 (3件):
2002 - 悪性腫瘍患者における核医学画像と形態画像の融合画像の臨床応用
Correlation with cancer patients, rCBF and character
Evaluation of Lung cancer with 99mTc-MIBI
MISC (13件):
Serendipitous Detection of Cushing's Disease by FDG Positron Emission Tomography and a Review of the Literature. CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE. 2002. vol.27、no.3、p.176-178
Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis and Intramedullary Spinal Cord Metastases from Lung Cancer Detection with FDG Positron Emission Tomography. CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE. 2001. vol.26、no.11、p.905-907