Mitsuhide Sato, Youhei Wakuta, Shigenobu Takeda. Latitudinal variations of iron chemical speciation in the euphotic zone of the central Pacific Ocean. Marine Chemistry. 2024. submitted
Wiwi, Kuo Hong Wong, Chia-Jung Lu, Hideki Fukuda, Hiroshi Ogawa, Shigenobu Takeda, Kazutaka Takahashi, Asami S. Mashio, Hajime Obata. Copper-binding organic ligands and phytoplankton growth in Japanese coastal waters. Science of the Total Environment. 2024. submitted
Mitsuhide Sato, Takaki Tsubono, Jun Yamaguchi, Shigenobu Takeda. Mesoscale mosaics of interannual variations in surface temperature, chlorophyll a concentration, and their relation in a coastal fishing ground. Fisheries Oceanography. 2024. 2024;e12673
Hajime Obata, Akira Mase, Naoya Kanna, Shigenobu Takeda, Jun Nishioka, Kenshi Kuma. Dissolved Fe(II) and its oxidation rates in the Kuroshio area, subarctic Pacific and Bering Sea. Geochemical Journal. 2024. accepted
Yoshiko Kondo, Narumi Takahashi, Tomohiro Takatani, Toshikazu Suzuki, Minoru Wada, Shigenobu Takeda, Sergio A Sañudo-Wilhelmy. Temporal variation in vitamin B12 concentration and their impact on phytoplankton composition of surface waters of a coastal ocean off Japan (Ariake Sea). Journal of Oceanography. 2024.
Bioavailability and Biogeochemical Processes of Trace Metals in the Surface Ocean
Western Pacific Air-Sea Interaction Study
農学入門 - 食料・生命・環境科学の魅力 -
養賢堂 2013
東京書籍 2003
講演・口頭発表等 (85件):
Copper-toxicity for marine phytoplankton in Japanese coastal waters
(Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024)
The impact of ocean acidification, sunlight, and size fractionation on Fe speciation in three distinct regions of the Eastern North Pacific
(Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024)
Importance of Nitric Oxide as a Growth Regulator of Coastal Phytoplankton
(Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024)
Effect of copper-binding organic ligands on phytoplankton growth in Japanese coastal waters
(Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024)
Labile nickel (Ni) concentrations in the North Pacific
(2023 Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Chemical Oceanography)