Kyoko Miyagishima, Kazuko Ichie, Kimiyoshi Sakaguchi, Yuka Kato. The parental involvement process regarding childhood cancer survivors becoming independent: Focus on balancing health management and social lives from adolescence to adulthood. Japan Journal of Nursing Science. 2023. e12572
kyoko Miyagishima, Kazuko Ichie, Kimiyosi Sakaguchi, Yuka Kato. The process of becoming independent while balancing health management and social life in adolescent and young adult childhood cancer survivors. Japan Journal of Nursing science. 2023. 20. 3. e12527
Investigation of the usefulness of the process model in which childhood cancer survivors become independent while balancing health management and social life
(54th Congress of the International Society of Peadiatric Oncology 2022)
Investigating the usefulness of the process model in which parents support childhood cancer survivors as they become independent while balancing health management and social life
(54th Congress of the International Society of Peadiatric Oncology 2022)