飯田 敬輔. 国際関係論 対象 鈴木一敏『日米構造協議の政治過程 : 相互依存下の通商交渉と国内対立の構図』 大矢根聡『国際レジームと日米の外交構想 : WTO・APEC・FTAの転換局面』-2013年度 書評. 年報政治学 = The annuals of Japanese Political Science Association / 日本政治学会 編. 2014. 2014. 1. 373-375
Iida, Keisuke. Book review : David Leheny, ”Think Global, Fear Local: Sex, Violence, and Anxiety in Contemporary Japan”. Journal of Japanese Studies. 2007. 33. 2. 443-447
Iida, Keisuke. Book review : Theodore H. Cohn, "Governing Global Trade: International Institutions in Conflict and Convergence.". International Relations of the Asia-Pacific. 2005. 5. 1. 112-115
The Oxford Handbook of Japanese Politics
Oxford University Press 2021 ISBN:9780190050993
Japan’s Security and Economics Dependence on China and the United States: Cool Politics, Lukewarm Economics
Oxon and New York: Routledge 2018 ISBN:9780367272807
Games of Conflict and Cooperation in Asia
Springer 2017 ISBN:4431564640
A New Cold War and the Possibility of De-Globalization in the Asia-Pacific: Japan
(the annual meeting of the International Studies Association (ISA), Montreal 2023)
Trade Governance in East Asia
(the annual meeting of the International Studies Association (ISA), Online 2021)
How Have Japan and China Coped with Trump’s Trade Policy?
(the Fletcher Japan Club 2019)
Trump’s Trade Policy: Can Theories of International Political Economy Explain It?
(the U.S.-Japan Relations Seminar, Harvard University 2018)