Ryugen Satoh, Masayuki Takahashi, Iwao Ohtsu. Effects of Reynolds Number on Air Entrainment Characteristics in Hydraulic Jumps with Undeveloped Inflow Condition. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures (ISHS) 2024. 2024. 636-644
Masayuki Takahashi, Ryugen Satoh, Iwao Ohtsu. Discussion of Effect of inflow conditions on the free-surface properties of hydraulic jumps. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 2023. 61. 6. 920-923
Satoh, R, Takahashi, M, Ohtsu, I. Analytical equation for depth and boundary-layer development on stepped channels. Proceedings of the 40th IAHR World Congress. 2023. 1962-1970