J-GLOBAL ID:200901068161658660   更新日: 2023年05月20日

宮本 正章

ミヤモト マサアキ | Miyamoto Masaaki
研究分野 (4件): 循環器内科学 ,  消化器内科学 ,  生体材料学 ,  生体医工学
研究キーワード (10件): 創傷ケア ,  DDS ,  細胞移植 ,  血管再生治療 ,  再生医療 ,  Wound healing ,  Drug delivery system ,  Cell transplantation ,  therapeutic angio-glnesis ,  Regenerative medicine
競争的資金等の研究課題 (10件):
  • 2005 - 医療用ウジを用いた難治性潰瘍・壊疽治療
  • 2005 - -
  • 2001 - 難治性心血管疾患に対する血管再生療法
  • 2001 - -
  • 医療用無菌ウジによる難治性潰瘍・壊疽治療
論文 (8件):
  • Sonoko Kirinoki-Ichikawa, Gen Takagi, Yoshimitsu Fukushima, Shuhei Tara, Masaaki Miyamoto, Shinichiro Kumita. Clinical utility of 67 Gallium-SPECT/CT for determining osteotomy indication in patients with lower-limb osteomyelitis. Wound repair and regeneration : official publication of the Wound Healing Society [and] the European Tissue Repair Society. 2023
  • Yu Hoshika, Yoshiaki Kubota, Kosuke Mozawa, Shuhei Tara, Yukichi Tokita, Kenji Yodogawa, Yu-Ki Iwasaki, Takeshi Yamamoto, Hitoshi Takano, Yayoi Tsukada, et al. Effect of Empagliflozin Versus Placebo on Body Fluid Balance in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Subgroup Analysis of the EMBODY Trial. Journal of cardiac failure. 2022. 28. 1. 56-64
  • Kosuke Mozawa, Yoshiaki Kubota, Yu Hoshika, Shuhei Tara, Yukichi Tokita, Kenji Yodogawa, Yu-Ki Iwasaki, Takeshi Yamamoto, Hitoshi Takano, Yayoi Tsukada, et al. Empagliflozin confers reno-protection in acute myocardial infarction and type 2 diabetes mellitus. ESC heart failure. 2021. 8. 5. 4161-4173
  • Yu Hoshika, Yoshiaki Kubota, Kosuke Mozawa, Shuhei Tara, Yukichi Tokita, Kenji Yodogawa, Yu-Ki Iwasaki, Takeshi Yamamoto, Hitoshi Takano, Yayoi Tsukada, et al. Effect of Empagliflozin Versus Placebo on Plasma Volume Status in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes therapy : research, treatment and education of diabetes and related disorders. 2021. 12. 8. 2241-2248
  • Wataru Shimizu, Yoshiaki Kubota, Yu Hoshika, Kosuke Mozawa, Shuhei Tara, Yukichi Tokita, Kenji Yodogawa, Yu-Ki Iwasaki, Takeshi Yamamoto, Hitoshi Takano, et al. Effects of empagliflozin versus placebo on cardiac sympathetic activity in acute myocardial infarction patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: the EMBODY trial. Cardiovascular diabetology. 2020. 19. 1. 148-148
MISC (6件):
  • Reversal of Diabetes in mice by xenotasplantn of a bioartificial panceas in a preuasculariz* subcytanlous site. Trasplantation. 2002. 73, 122-129
  • Development of a cryopratectant pracedue lmplcying a freeze* bag for panccceatic islets using a neuly develpoed cyaprctectat. Cell Transplant. 2001. 10, 363-371
  • Current progress and perspectuies in cell therapy for diabetes mellitus. Human Cell. 2001. 14, 293-300
  • Reversal of Diabetes in mice by xenotasplantn of a bioartificial panceas in a preuasculariz* subcytanlous site. Trasplantation. 2001. 73, 122-129
  • Development of a cryapresercatn pracedue lmplcying a freeze* bag for panccceatic islets using a neuly develpoed cyaprctectat. Cell Transplant. 2001. 10, 363-371
特許 (1件):
Works (6件):
  • 医療用無菌ウジによる難治性潰瘍・壊疽治療
    2004 -
  • Maggots debridement therapy for refractory ulcer and gangreonosa
    2004 -
  • 新しいNK細胞培養法による癌免疫療法
    2003 -
  • Cancer immunotherapy by amplified NK cells
    2003 -
  • バイオ人工膵の開発
    2002 -
学位 (1件):
  • 医学博士 (近畿大学)
経歴 (5件):
  • 日本医科大学
  • 日本医科大学 医学部 医学科 第1内科 助教授
  • 京都大学再生医科学研究所 助教授
  • 京都大学
  • Associate Professor, Institute for Frontier Medicine,
委員歴 (3件):
  • 2002 - 日本組織移植学会 評議員
  • 2001 - 日本再生医療学会 評議員
  • 1999 - American college of surgeons Fellow
受賞 (4件):
  • 2003 - 第2回日本再生医療学会優秀演題賞
  • 2003 - 東京都医師会グループ研究賞
  • 1995 - 日本膵臓学会学会賞
  • 1995 - Japan pancreas society
所属学会 (3件):
日本組織移植学会 ,  日本再生医療学会 ,  American college of surgeons
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