研究キーワード (6件):
, 掘削機械学
, 岩石力学
, Construction Machinery
, Excavation Machinery
, Rock Mechanics
競争的資金等の研究課題 (6件):
Construction Machinery
Excavation Machinery
Rock Mechanics
論文 (66件):
Ming Lei, Kimihiro Hashiba, Katsunori Fukui, Seisuke Okubo. Experimental study on the coefficient of permeability of broken rock specimens after compaction test. Xi'an Jianzhu Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology. 2017. 49. 2. 235-241
Hai-Long Zhang, Jiang Xu, Seisuke Okubo, Kimihiro Hashiba, Katsunori Fukui, Shou-Jian Peng. Generalized relaxation properties and numerical simulation of Kawazu tuff. Yantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics. 2017. 38. 4. 1089-1096
Minami Kataoka, Eqlima Mahdavi, Takahiro Funatsu, Takashi Takehara, Yuzo Obara, Katsunori Fukui, Kimihiro Hashiba. Estimation of Mode I Fracture Toughness of Rock by Semi-Circular Bend Test under Confining Pressure Condition. ISRM EUROPEAN ROCK MECHANICS SYMPOSIUM EUROCK 2017. 2017. 191. 886-893
羽柴 公博, 大久保 誠介, 福井 勝則. 気乾状態と湿潤状態での岩石の一軸引張強度と非弾性歪. Journal of MMIJ : journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan. 2011. 127. 12. 675-681