Shintaro Negishi, Keisuke Kimura, Ikumi Suzuki, Takashi Ikegami. Cross-regional power supply-demand analysis model based on clustered unit commitment. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN. 2022. 215. 1
Chiyori T. Urabe, Takashi Ikegami, Kazuhiko Ogimoto. Mitigation of Short-Term Fluctuations in Wind Power Output in a Balancing Area on the Road Toward 100% Renewable Energy. IEEE ACCESS. 2022. 10. 111210-111220
Takuya Higashitani, Takashi Ikegami, Akane Uemichi, Atsushi Akisawa. Evaluation of residential power supply by photovoltaics and electric vehicles. Renewable Energy. 2021. 178. 745-756
Shintaro Negishi, Keisuke Kimura, Ikumi Suzuki, Takashi Ikegami. Cross-regional Power Supply-Demand Analysis Model Based on Clustered Unit Commitment. IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy. 2021. 141. 10. 629-641
Chiyori T. Urabe, Tetsuo Saitou, Kazuto Kataoka, Takashi Ikegami, Kazuhiko Ogimoto. Positive correlations between short-term and average long-term fluctuations in wind power output. Energies. 2021. 14. 7
根岸 信太郎, 池上 貴志. 電力システムの経済性・環境性評価のためのディスパッチシミュレーション手法の研究動向-特集 エネルギーシステムの進化とOR. オペレーションズ・リサーチ = Communications of the Operations Research Society of Japan : 経営の科学. 2022. 67. 12. 668-675
石井 遥, 鈴木 郁海, 好川 宗一朗, 池上 貴志, 根岸 信太郎. 太陽光・風力発電からの電力需給調整力提供による経済的・環境的効果-Economic and Environmental Effects of Photovoltaic and Wind Power Output Control for Supply and Demand Balancing Operation-新エネルギー・環境研究会・太陽光発電システム技術全般. 電気学会研究会資料. FTE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Frontier Technology and Engineering", IEE Japan / 電気学会新エネルギー・環境研究会 [編]. 2021. 2021. 45-58. 29-34
Long-term planning model for a CHP System using particle swarm optimization algorithm and mixed integer linear programming
(2018 IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies 2018)
Robust distributed energy management system corresponding to PV generation forecast uncertainty
(2018 IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies 2018)