J-GLOBAL ID:200901068991734734
更新日: 2020年08月30日
早川 徹
ハヤカワ テツ | Hayakawa Tetsu
兵庫医科大学 医学部 医学科腫瘍免疫制御学
兵庫医科大学 医学部 医学科腫瘍免疫制御学 について
「兵庫医科大学 医学部 医学科腫瘍免疫制御学」ですべてを検索
研究分野 (1件):
研究キーワード (6件):
, 線維連絡
, 神経解剖学
, ultrastructure
, fiber connection
, Neuroanatomy
競争的資金等の研究課題 (4件):
1980 - 2010 自律神経系の線維連絡
1980 - 2010 Fiber connection of the autonomic nervous system
1992 - 2005 嚥下に関与する神経回路網の分析
1992 - 2005 Synaptic relationships of swallowing activity
論文 (6件):
Tetsu Hayakawa, Sachi Kuwahara-Otani, Seishi Maeda, Koichi Tanaka, Makoto Seki. Localization in the vagal ganglia of calcitonin gene-related peptide- and calretinin-immunoreactive neurons that innervate the cervical and the subdiaphragmatic esophagus of the rat. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL NEUROANATOMY. 2012. 43. 1. 34-42
Tetsu Hayakawa, Sachi Kuwahara, Seishi Maeda, Koichi Tanaka, Makoto Seki. Calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactive neurons innervating the soft palate, the root of tongue, and the pharynx in the superior glossopharyngeal ganglion of the rat. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL NEUROANATOMY. 2010. 39. 4. 221-227
Tetsu Hayakawa, Sachi Kuwahara, Seishi Maeda, Koichi Tanaka, Makoto Seki. Distribution of vagal CGRP-immunoreactive fibers in the lower esophagus and the cardia of the stomach of the rat. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL NEUROANATOMY. 2009. 38. 2. 124-129
Tetsu Hayakawa, Sachi Kuwahara, Seishi Maeda, Koichi Tanaka, Makoto Seki. Direct synaptic projections to the myenteric ganglion of the rat subdiaphragmatic esophagus from the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2008. 61. 4. 368-374
Tetsu Hayakawa, Sachi Kuwahara, Seishi Maeda, Koichi Tanaka, Makoto Seki. Morphology and ultrastructure of the sympathetic celiac ganglion neurons projecting to the cardia and pylorus of the rat stomach. AUTONOMIC NEUROSCIENCE-BASIC & CLINICAL. 2007. 134. 1-2. 8-17
MISC (57件):
A Takanaga, T Hayakawa, K Tanaka, K Kawabata, S Maeda, M Seki. Immunohistochemical characterization of cardiac vagal preganglionic neurons in the rat. AUTONOMIC NEUROSCIENCE-BASIC & CLINICAL. 2003. 106. 2. 132-137
A Takanaga, T Hayakawa, K Tanaka, K Kawabata, S Maeda, M Seki. Immunohistochemical characterization of cardiac vagal preganglionic neurons in the rat. AUTONOMIC NEUROSCIENCE-BASIC & CLINICAL. 2003. 106. 2. 132-137
T Hayakawa, A Takanaga, K Tanaka, S Maeda, M Seki. Ultrastructure of the central subnucleus of the nucleus tractus solitarii and the esophageal afferent terminals in the rat. ANATOMY AND EMBRYOLOGY. 2003. 206. 4. 273-281
T Hayakawa, A Takanaga, K Tanaka, S Maeda, M Seki. Ultrastructure of the central subnucleus of the nucleus tractus solitarii and the esophageal afferent terminals in the rat. ANATOMY AND EMBRYOLOGY. 2003. 206. 4. 273-281
Seishi Maeda, Keigo Kawabata, Akinori Takanaga, Koichi Tanaka, Hisao Ito, Tetsu Hayakawa, Makoto Seki. A novel monoclonal antibody recognizes lysosome-like structures and reflects regional and age-related differences in the rat dentate gyrus. Neuroscience Letters. 2002. 330. 3. 275-279
学位 (1件):
医学博士 (兵庫医科大学)
経歴 (2件):
2010 - 現在 兵庫医科大学 教授
2010 - 兵庫医科大学解剖学細胞生物部門 教授
所属学会 (4件):
Society for Neuroscience
, 日本自律神経学会
, 日本神経科学会
, 日本解剖学会
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