J-GLOBAL ID:200901071176230200   更新日: 2024年09月19日

石原 紀子

イシハラ ノリコ | ISHIHARA Noriko
職名: 教授
その他の所属(所属・部署名・職名) (1件):
  • 法政大学  経営学部 市場経営学科   神田外語大学大学院兼任講師
ホームページURL (1件): https://ishi0029.wixsite.com/norikoishihara
研究分野 (1件): 外国語教育
研究キーワード (23件): multicultural education ,  intercultural communication ,  identity ,  language teacher development ,  EFL ,  teacher education ,  applied linguistics ,  second language acquisition ,  TESOL ,  teacher development ,  instructional pragmatics ,  interlanguage pragmatics ,  多文化理解教育 ,  アイデンティティー、 異文化間コミュニケーション ,  教員養成 ,  教師教育 ,  外国語教育 ,  英語教育 ,  第二言語習得理論 ,  応用言語学 ,  プラグマティックス ,  語用論的指導 ,  中間言語語用論
競争的資金等の研究課題 (5件):
  • 2022 - 2027 言語・文化の多様性を活用した語用論指導と教師教育:多文化理解と共生を目指して
  • 2015 - 2021 語用論的指導を奨励する教員サポート体制の整備とこれからの語学教員教育
  • 2016 - 2020 人類学の理論的枠組みを応用した日本語学習者のフィールドワーク教育
  • 2012 - 2015 年少者及び成人学習者を対象としたプラグマティックス指導とその効果
  • 2009 - 2010 語学教員養成におけるプラグマティックス指導の導入とその役割
論文 (45件):
  • Ishihara, N., Porcellato, A. M., & Prado, M. Teachers' identity and agency in L2 pragmatics: Supporting teachers' translingual-identity-as-pedagogy through narratives. A. Martínez-Flor, J. Barón, & A. Sánchez (Eds.), Pragmatics in Action: A focus on foreign language learners and teachers. 2023
  • Ishihara, Noriko. Identity in Second Language Pragmatics Research. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. 2023
  • Ishihara, N. Introducing intercultural citizenship in a classroom in Japan: Telecollaboration and an arts-based approach to understanding social activism (accepted). T. McConachy (Ed.), International perspectives on intercultural understanding in ELT. 2022
  • Ishihara, N. From a native-nonnative speaker dichotomy to a translingual framework. J. C. Félix-Brasdefer, R. L. Shively, & J. M. Sykes (Eds.), New directions in researching, teaching, and assessing L2 pragmatics. 2022
  • Ishihara, Noriko, Prado, Malila Carvalho de Almeida. The Negotiation of Meaning in Aviation English as a Lingua Franca: A Corpus-Informed Discursive Approach. Modern Language Journal. 2021. 105. 3. 639-654
MISC (9件):
  • Ishihara, N. Thanks from the bottom of my heart: Teaching elaborate thanks in written English [in press]. In D. Tatsuki & D. Fujimoto (Eds.), Back to basics: Filling the gaps in pragmatics teaching materials. 2016. 108-122
  • Ishihara, Noriko. Andrew D. Cohen. C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. 2013. 1-3
  • Ishihara, Noriko. Stories for children: My dog never says "please". J. Ronald, C. Rinnert, K. Fordyce & T. Knight (Eds.), Pragtivities: Bringing pragmatics to second language classrooms. Tokyo: JALT Pragmatics SIG. 2012. 189-192
  • Ishihara, Noriko. Stories for children: The talking dog. J. Ronald, C. Rinnert, K. Fordyce & T. Knight (Eds.), Pragtivities: Bringing pragmatics to second language classrooms. Tokyo: JALT Pragmatics SIG. 2012. 193-196
  • Ishihara, Noriko. Moving from North America to overseas. R. Kubota & Y. Sun (Eds.), Demystifying career after graduate school: A guide for second language professionals in higher education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. 2012. 77-87
書籍 (6件):
  • Ishihara, N. with Cohen, A. D. (2022). Teaching and learning pragmatics: Where language and culture meet (2nd ed.)
    Routledge 2021 ISBN:9780367767082
  • Ishihara, N. with Cohen, A. D. (in press). Teaching and learning pragmatics: Where language and culture meet (2nd ed.)
    Routledge 2021
  • 多文化理解の語学教育 語用論的指導への招待 ( "Teaching and learning pragmatics: Where language and culture meet," Ishihara & Cohen, 2010の抄訳・増補改訂)
    研究社 2015
  • Teacher-based or interactional?: Exploring means of assessment for children's pragmatic development
  • Teaching and learning pragmatics: Where language and culture meet
    Longman Pearson 2010
講演・口頭発表等 (58件):
  • Global Issues in Language Education (GILE): How do they come together with pragmatics?
    (Paper presented in the SIG Forum, Where pragmatics meets World Englishes, Business Communication, Learner Development, & Global Issues in Language Education at the PanSIG conference of the Japan Association for Language Teaching, Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto 2023)
  • An arts-based approach to understanding social activism.
    (Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT), Fukuoka 2022)
  • Pilot not using standard phraseology: misunderstandings and delays.
    (Paper presented at the 9th GEIA seminar, GEIA (Grupo Estudos em Ingles Aeronautico [Aeronautical English Research Group]), San Paulo, Brazil and online 2022)
  • Identity in teaching and learning pragmatics: Learners' translingual agency and teachers' translingual pedagogy.
    (Plenary speech presented at 2022 Pragmatics and Language Learning (PLL) Conference, online 2022)
  • Enhancing teacher education through incorporating pragmatics and intercultural awareness.
    (Teacher and teacher educator training presented for Cambridge CELTA/Trinity College London Cert, online 2022)
Works (1件):
  • L2 pragmatics and subjectivity
    2015 - 2015
学歴 (3件):
  • 2002 - 2006 University of Minnesota Curriculum and Instruction Second Languages and Cultures Education
  • 1999 - 2001 University of Minnesota Teaching English as a Second Language
  • 1990 - 1995 早稲田大学 教育学部 英語英文学科
学位 (1件):
  • 博士 (ミネソタ大学)
経歴 (9件):
  • 2015/04 - 現在 法政大学経営学部市場経営学科教授
  • 2014/09 - 現在 Kanda University of International Studies, Graduate School Part-time instructor
  • 2014/09 - 現在 Kanda University of International Studies, Graduate School Adjunct professor
  • 2010/01 - 現在 Temple University Japan Adjunct professor
  • 2009/09 - 2014/08 Columbia University Teachers College Tokyo Part-time instructor
委員歴 (1件):
  • 2010/04 - 2012/03 JALT (Japan Association for Language Teaching) Pragmatics Special Interest Group Treasurer
受賞 (1件):
  • 2007/04 - American Educational ResearchAssociation (AERA) Special Interest Group Outstanding Dissertation Award
所属学会 (4件):
Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) ,  Japan Association of Language Teaching (JALT) ,  American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) ,  Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
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